I have continued to up my mileage each week in October as well and train with RV Elite teammates Steve Crowder, Ali Kassens, and Andrew Parkins. They have helped keep me focused and motivated to push myself towards my Marathon goal. Steve has helped pace me through some of my long runs and give me advice. Ali is training for the Philly Marathon which occurs the very next day so we have been pushing each other on the speed workouts... good luck Ali! And Andrew just did the Chicago Marathon in a blazing fast 2 hours and 39 minutes! I am very grateful to God to be surrounded by great team members. And I have to say thank you to Hammer Nutrition for providing me with the proper nutritional supplements designed to help me work towards my ongoing pursuit of achieving optimum performance.
Now it is the beginning of November so the taper has begun and the reality of it all is starting to set in that I am actually going to push myself as hard as I can in a Marathon! Yes, I have done Marathons in the past but never to the brink of breakdown so I am starting to get very anxious and yet excited all at once. I am just ready to get it going and I am sure next week I will be even more wound up... so I have to say thank you to my lovely wife for dealing with me as I begin to act like a kid before Christmas wondering if he will get what he asked from Santa. It will all be over soon and then I can relax a little bit before I begin gearing up to do it all over again next year. In the meantime, I just hope my Marathon goes a little better than the stages below. And for all of you out there that are doing one or have done one, I am sure you can relate.
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