As 2013 comes to a close, it is now time to keep your levels of fitness from diminishing in the winter months. I love to race, but as the season moves on I find myself wishing I could do something that is not sport specific to racing. That is why I love the off-season just as much and in some ways even more! Now is the time to have fun and experiment with new ways to stay in shape. Here are a few
transition activity ideas you can try:
Head Indoors:

There are tons of opportunities for cross-training available to chose from at your local gym. Don't be afraid to get a gym schedule and check some of them out. Guys, if you think these classes are easy or too "girlie" for you... get over yourself. I have just started attending a circuit class and it kicked my butt into humbleville! These classes have some of the fittest people in the gym in them and will give you a run for your money in the challenge department. If your gym has a pool and you are not already swimming on your own, check to see if they offer a masters class or a set time for free swim.

The winter months are also a necessary time for you to get into the weight room. If you were lacking some of the power you needed to really get a strong pull as a swimmer or push a bigger gear on the bike, now is the time to work on that. A lot of times this can be intimidating for endurance athletes because of self perception, but at the end of the day if you want to be a better athlete then here is where your off-season training must begin.
Misery Loves Company:

If you are like me, riding outside when it is cold is not a pleasant experience and one that I don't mind avoiding. Unfortunately if one of your off-season goals is to improve your time trial ability you will need to figure out how to train in spite of the cold. How about getting together with your buddies and have a group trainer ride? These can be just simple rides or structured training sessions using a video series such as those offered by
Endurance Films. They offer a variety of videos that are challenging and in a group setting are a lot of fun!

Group trail runs are also a great way to keep up your running. I love racing on trails, but with some convincing from my run coach I stayed away from them for the most part this year. I did make an exception for the
Into the Darkness race which almost sent Coach Pincus over the edge, but lucky for me I survived. Trail running in the winter is a good break from all of the miles pounded out on the pavement and a great change in scenery. Yes, your pace will be slower but in the off-season that is just fine. This will allow you to relax both physically and mentally. You can't go hard all the time so this is all about enjoying running while recharging your mental motivation to want to go hard when it counts in the spring.
Just do Something:
Ok... you worked hard this year to get yourself in shape and do the best you could at the events you entered. It would be a shame to let all of your effort go to waste and have to start all over again next year. Take your current level of fitness and try to carry some of it over to next year so you can come out stronger than ever. I am not saying you have to develop an elaborate winter training plan, in fact don't do that. I am saying just do something and have fun doing it!
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