Monday, April 14, 2014

Not quite a Runner... Yet!

So this past weekend I got a chance to run the Race for the Cure 5K with fellow Roanoke Valley Elite teammate Andrew Parkins. He has historically been much faster than me but my running has been coming along pretty good over the last two years so I was excited to try to finally hold pace with him. It was a great day for a race and we were joined at the front of the starting line by Colin Munsey and Andrew Holbrook, two more super fast guys! My strategy was to hold on to Parkins for as long as could with the hope of finally breaking into a sub-17 5K.

So the gun goes off and we are rolling! I immediately fall in behind Parkins with Holbrook behind me and Colin watching it all play out in fourth. My thought was to attempt to hang tight early on, knowing that the first mile and a half are the toughest part of the course and if I could just stay close then maybe I could make my goal. During the first mile the two slight up hills didn't seem too awfully bad and I was going well but as we hit the mile marker Parkins looked down at his watch and later told me he thought we were moving a little slow so he picked up the tempo and I worked as hard as I could to stay in tow. Truth be told... I think he was trying to drop me and as we went over the last rise at the mile and half mark I was starting to get a little bit gapped and I knew that my ticket was about to get punched.

So we make it to the two mile marker and by this time Parkins has about 15 seconds on me and now Holbrook rolls by me right after the Fleet Feet water station. I see him moving by but my efforts had left me gassed so I did my best to minimize the damage over the course of the last mile. I did appreciate seeing Mark and Mike on their morning run and their cheering me on helped keep me motivated to finish strong.

As we all hit the line, needless to say I was a little bummed at not making my goal time but still pleased that I was in such great company! My teammate, Andrew Parkins, hit the line in 16:55 for the win then Andrew Holbrook, who is training for Boston and going to tear up, came second and I tailed in for third. This race showed me I still have a lot to learn about how to pace and compete effectively but I am still very honored to be able to rub shoulders with some of the Roanoke Valleys finest runners.

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