Friday, October 3, 2014

New Beginnings

I have been away from writing, training, and racing for a while after some very hard changes in my personal life this summer. I am now starting to pick up the pieces and begin to move forward with my new routine. I am back to training consistently with my Roanoke Valley Elite teammates and working hard to put my loyal sponsors-, Feetures!, Headsweats, and Hammer Nutrition- back in the spotlight of my fall competition campaign. I also have a new running partner, named Bella that is totally awesome and kicks my ass for the first mile or two of every run! She is awesome and we love running together every day.

Life is hard... we all know this and struggle on a daily basis to keep some sort of sanity and routine about our lives as we march on fighting the good fight in our human existence. No matter what is thrown our way and no matter how hard we get knocked down, it is of utmost importance that we get back up and continue to march on. Do this every day knowing that Jesus has our back and he is encouraging us to keep moving!

So... with all of that being said, I want everyone to know I am back on my feet and running as fast as I can towards a bright new beginning. I do so with a great new girl in my life and a lot of things in the works in the very near future. It's time to get back after it and #DoWork! You will find me in the Pool, on the Bike, or in a pair of Running Shoes so look for me out there and know that I am happy to see you!

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